Sunday 23 August 2015

 Famous books
Title Author Year

Things fall apart Chinua Achebe 1958

Fairy tales Hans christian Anderson 1835–37

The divine comedy Dante Alighieri 1308–1321

Epic of Gilgamesh Unknown 18th – 17th century BCE

Book of Job Unknown 6th – 4th century BCE

One thousand and one nights Unknown 700–1500

Njal 's saga Unknown 13th century

Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen 1813

Le pere gorriatHonore De Balzac 1835

Molloy, Malone dies, the Unnameable: trilogy Samuel Beckett 1951–53

The decameron Giovanni Boccaccio 1349–53

Ficciones Jorge Luis Borges 1944–86

Wuthering heights Emily Bronte 1847

The Stranger Albert Camus 1942

Poems Paul Celan 1952

Journey to the end of the night Louis-Ferdinand Celine 1932

Don Quixote Miguel De Cervantes 1605 (part 1), 1615 (part 2)

The Canterbury tales Geoffrey Chaucer 14th century

Stories Anton Chekhov 1886

Nostromo Joseph Conrad 1904

Great Expectations Charles Dickens 1861

Jacques the Fatalist Denis Diderot 1796

Berlin Alexanderplatz Alfred Doblin 1929

Crime And Punishment Fyodor Dostoevsky 1866

The Idiot Fyodor Dostoevsky 1869

The Possessed Fyodor Dostoevsky 1872

The Brothers Karamazov Fyodor Dostoevsky 1880

Middle march George Elliot 1871

Invisible Man Ralph Ellison 1952

Medea Euripides 431 BCE

Absalom, Absalom! William Faulkner 1936

The Sound And The Fury William Faulkner 1929

Madam Bovary Gustave Flaubert 1857

Sentimental education Gustave Flaubert 1869

Gypsy Ballads Frederico Garcia Lorca 1928

One Hundred Years Of Solitude Gabriel Garcia Marquez 1967

Love In The Time Of Cholera Gabriel Garcia Marquez 1985

Faust Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe 1832

Dead Souls Nikolai Gogol 1842

The Tin Drum Gunter Grass 1959

The Devil To Pay in the Backlands Joao Guimaraes Rosa 1956

Hunger Knut Hamson 1890

The Old Man and The Sea Ernest Hemingway 1952

Iliad Homer 760–710 BCE

Odyssey Homer 8th century BCE

A Doll' s House Henrik Ibsen 1879

Ulysses James Joyce 1922

Stories Franz Kafka 1924

The Trail Franz Kafka 1925

The Castle Franz Kafka 1926

Shakuntala Kalidasa 1st century BCE – 4th century CE

The Sound of The Mountain Yasunari Kawabata 1954

Zorba the Greek Nikos Kazantzakis 1946

Sons and Lovers D. H. Lawrence 1913

Independent People Halldor Laxness 1934–35

Poems Giacomo Leopardi 1818

The Golden Notebook Doris Lessing 1962

Pippi Longstocking Astrid Lindgren 1945

A Madman' s Dairy Lu Xun 1918

Children of Gebalawi Naguib Mahfouz 1959

Budden Brooks Thomas Mann 1901

The Magic Mountain Thomas Mann 1924

Moby-Dick Herman Melville 1851

Essays Michele De Montaigne 1595

History Elsa Morante 1974

Beloved Toni Morrison 1987

The tale of Genji Murasaki Shikibu 11th century

The man without Qualities Robert Musil 1930–32

Lolita Vladimir Nabokov 1955

Nineteen Eighty-Four George Orwell 1949

Metamorphoses Ovid 1st century CE

The book of  Disquiet Fernando Pessoa 1928

Tales Edgar Allan Poe 19th century

In Search of Lost Time Marcel Proust 1913–27

Gargantua and Pantagruel Francois Rabelais 1532–34

Pedro Paramo Juan Rulfo 1955

Masnavi Rumi 1258–73

Midnight' s Children Salman Rushdie 1981

Boston Saadi 1257

Season of migration to the North Tayeb Salih 1966

Blindness Jose Saramago 1995

Hamlet William Shakespeare 1603

King Lear William Shakespeare 1608

Othello William Shakespeare 1609

Oedipus the King Sophocles 430 BCE

The Red and the Black Stendhal 1830

Tristram Shandy Laurence Stern 1760

Confessions of Zeno Italo Svevo 1923

Gulliver 's Travels Jonathan Swift 1726

War and Peace Leo Tolstoy 1865–1869

Anna Karenina Leo Tolstoy 1877

The Death of Ivan Ilyich Leo Tolstoy 1886

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain 1884

Ramayana Valmiki 5th century BCE - 4th century BCE

Aeneid Virgil 29–19 BCE

Mahabharata Vyasa 9th century BCE – 5th century BCE

Leaves of grass Walt Whitman 1855

Mrs. Dalloway Virginia Woolf 1925

To the Lighthouse Virginia Woolf 1927

Memoirs of Hadrian Marguerite Yourcenar 1951

Friday 24 July 2015

Facts about harry potter that will knock you off your broomstick

Harry’s birthday is July 31, 1980. Rowling’s birthday is also July 31 – but in 1966.

The actress who played Moaning Myrtle was 37 years old at the time “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” was filmed. She is the oldest actress to ever portray a Hogwarts student.

Rowling said the inspiration for the name of Harry’s school in the books, “Hogwarts,” may have unconsciously come from the name of a plant she saw in the Kew Gardens in New York City.

Contrary to popular belief, the ‘t’ at the end of Voldemort is silent. The name comes from the French words meaning “flight of death.”

An outbreak of lice occurred among the children cast members during the filming of “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.”

Tom Felton auditioned for the roles of Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, but was chosen to play Draco Malfoy instead.

 Over 400 million Harry Potter books in 67 languages have been sold worldwide as of 2008.

  Fred and George were born on April Fool’s Day.

The only time the Weasley twins were ever apart were when George’s ear was cursed off and when Fred was killed.

Dementors are based off J.K. Rowling’s time of depression in her twenties.

Rowling said the Harry Potter series might not have happened if her mother hadn’t died. 

Voldemort was 71 years old when he died in the Battle of Hogwarts.

There are 700 fouls in Quidditch.

“Expecto Patronum” literally translates to “I await a guardian” in Latin.

Rowling said if Voldemort saw a boggart it would take the shape of his own corpse, since death was his greatest fear.

When he died, Dumbledore was 150 years old.

The Malfoys’ last name comes from the Latin “maleficus,” which means evil doing.

Dementors don’t breed; they grow like fungus where there is decay.

Harry first arrived at 4 Privet Drive on Hagrid’s motorbike. He left for the last time the very same way.

In Prisoner of Azkaban, Trelawney refuses to sit at a table with 12 other characters because she would be the 13th and the first one to get up after that would die. In Order of the Phoenix, 13 members of the order are sitting and Sirius is the first to stand. That is why he died at the end .

Severus Snape is the only death eater who can produce a patronus.

If a muggle comes across Hogwarts then  it would come across as an old building with a sign board saying" keep away, dangerous building."

The first and last words ever spoken by Dobby the House Elf were ‘Harry Potter’.

Ook, the owl that played Hedwig, was the first actor cast in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.









Saturday 23 August 2014

The Great Gatsby

The great Gatsby is a 1925 novel written by American author F. Scott Fitzgerald that follows a cast of characters living in the fictional town of West Egg on prosperous Long Island in the summer of 1922. The story primarily concerns the young and mysterious millionaire Jay Gatsby and his quixotic passion and obsession for the beautiful former Debutante Daisy Buchanan.Set in the prosperous Long Island of 1922, The Great Gatsby provides a critical social history of America during the Roaring Twenties within its narrative. That era, known for unprecedented economic prosperity, the evolution of jazz number, flapper culture, and bootlegging and other criminal activity, is plausibly depicted in Fitzgerald 's  novel.
The main events of the novel take place in the summer of 1922. Nick Carraway, a Yale graduate and World War1 veteran from the Midwest – who serves as the novel's narrator – takes a job in New York as a bond salesman. He rents a small house on Long Island, in the (fictional) village of West Egg, next door to the lavish mansion of Jay Gatsby, a mysterious millionaire who holds extravagant parties but does not participate in them. Nick drives around the bay to East Egg for dinner at the home of his cousin, Daisy Fay Buchanan, and her husband, Tom, a college acquaintance of Nick's. They introduce Nick to Jordan Baker, an attractive, cynical young golfer with whom Nick begins a romantic relationship. She reveals to Nick that Tom has a mistress, Myrtle Wilson, who lives in the "valley of ashes": an industrial dumping ground between West Egg and New York City. Not long after this revelation, Nick travels to New York City with Tom and Myrtle to an apartment they keep for their affair. At the apartment, a vulgar and bizarre party takes place. It ends with Tom breaking Myrtle's nose after she annoys him by saying Daisy's name several times.
As the summer progresses, Nick eventually receives an invitation to one of Gatsby's parties. Nick encounters Jordan Baker at the party, and they meet Gatsby himself, an aloof and surprisingly young man who recognises Nick from their same division in the war. Through Jordan, Nick later learns that Gatsby knew Daisy from a romantic encounter in 1917 and is deeply in love with her. He spends many nights staring at the green light at the end of her dock, across the bay from his mansion, hoping to one day rekindle their lost romance. Gatsby's extravagant lifestyle and wild parties are an attempt to impress Daisy in the hope that she will one day appear again at Gatsby's doorstep. Gatsby now wants Nick to arrange a reunion between himself and Daisy. Nick invites Daisy to have tea at his house, without telling her that Gatsby will also be there. After an initially awkward reunion, Gatsby and Daisy reestablish their connection. They begin an affair and, after a short time, Tom grows increasingly suspicious of his wife's relationship with Gatsby. At a luncheon at the Buchanan's' house, Daisy speaks to Gatsby with such undisguised intimacy that Tom realises she is in love with Gatsby. Though Tom is himself involved in an extramarital affair, he is outraged by his wife's infidelity. He forces the group to drive into New York City and confronts Gatsby in a suite at the Plaza Hotel, asserting that he and Daisy have a history that Gatsby could never understand. In addition to that, he announces to his wife that Gatsby is a criminal whose fortune comes from bootlegging alcohol and other illegal activities. Daisy realises that her allegiance is to Tom, and Tom contemptuously sends her back to East Egg with Gatsby, attempting to prove that Gatsby cannot hurt him.
When Nick, Jordan, and Tom drive through the valley of ashes on their way home, they discover that Gatsby's car has struck and killed Tom's mistress, Myrtle. Nick later learns from Gatsby that Daisy, not Gatsby himself, was driving the car at the time of the accident but Gatsby intends to take the blame anyway. Myrtle's husband, George, falsely concludes that the driver of the yellow car is the secret lover he recently began suspecting she has, and sets out on foot to locate its owner. After finding out the yellow car is Gatsby's, he arrives at Gatsby's mansion where he fatally shoots both Gatsby and then himself. Nick stages an unsettling small funeral for Gatsby, ends his relationship with Jordan, and moves back to the Midwest, disillusioned with the Eastern lifestyle.

Saturday 16 August 2014


the wimpy kid is a series of fiction books written by the American author and cartoonist Jeff Kenny. all nine books are journals of the protagonist, Greg Heffley.befitting a child's diary, the books are filled with hand written notes and simple drawings of Greg's daily adventures.

Since the release of the online version in 2004, the books have gained immense popularity,critical acclaim and commercial success worldwide!!
They have also been made into a film series by the 20th Century Fox and the Poptropica has released 2 vedio games in the theme of DAIRY OF A WIMPY KID called "WIMPY WONDERLAND" and "WIMPY BOARDWALK."

Its no wonder that dairy of a wimpy kid has been such a hit with the middle school kids. its a very funny and humorous  book billed as a "novel in cartoons."
diary of the wimpy kid is the diary of Greg Heffley except he wants the readers to know "This is a JOURNAL ,not a diary "and "...this was mom's idea,not mine."

The names of the diary of a wimpy kid series are

  • The diary of a wimpy kid
  • The diary of a wimpy kid:The last straw 
  • The diary of a wimpy kid:Rodrick rules 
  • The diary of a wimpy kid:Dog days 
  • The diary of a wimpy kid:The ugly truth
  • The diary of a wimpy kid:Cabin fever 
  • The diary of a wimpy kid:The third wheel
  • The diary of a wimpy kid:Hard luck 
  • The wimpy kid:Movie diary 


Divergent is a debut novel of the american novelist Veronica Roth.This book was published by HarperCollins Children's Book in 2011. This novel is set in the so-called divergent universe, that features a post-apocalyptic version of chicago.

The novel follows Beatrice prior as she explores her identity within a society that defines its citizen by their social and personality related affiliation with 5 different factions.....

 The first book of the divergent trilogy in a nutshell......
In a society divided into factions all are forced ti choose where they belong.And the choice Beatrice Prior (A.K.A "Tris" )makes shocks everyone,including herself!!!

during extreme initiation tests, Tris must determine who her friends are and whether she can trust the man  who both threatens her and protects her.because Tris has a deadly secret.One that might save those she loves.... or destroy her.

The other divergent series include INSURGENT and ALLEGIANT 

Divergent is one of the best selling books in No.1 New York Times Bestselling Author and now a major motion picture !!!

                                                    THE FAULT IN OUT STARS


The Fault In Our Stars a.k.a. TFIOS is one of the best selling books in New York times.It is award-winning John Green's 6th novel which was  published on January,10,2012. This book is  heartbreaking, touching, yet funny,thrilling,and a tragic story of being alive and in love<3<3<3!!!

This story is narrated by a 16-year-old cancer patient named Hazel Grace Lancaster.

Despite the tumor-shrinking medical miracle (phalanxifor)that has brought her a few years, hazel has never been anything but terminal , her final chapter inscribed upon diagnosis. but when a gorgeous plot twist named Augustus Waters suddenly appears at cancer kid support group, hazel's story is about to be completely rewritten !!!!

This is one my favourite books and I have fallen in love with it and  if u read I it bet you will fall in love with it  too !!!!
If you haven't read it then what are you waiting for ?!?!?!?!??!

Wednesday 13 August 2014

                                Immortals of Meluha

The first of Shiva Trilogy, Immortals of Meluha is based on the belief that perhaps the actions, deeds and karma are the only determining factors to metamorphose an ordinary man to a god like figure or god! Amish Tripathi in his book attempts to humanize the Hindu infinite 'Mahadev'-The God of Gods and the destroyer of evil with philosophy as its underlying thesis and with a refreshing take on mythology but wavers in the characterization of the protagonist itself and digresses from the related theories.
The story is set in Meluha, a nearly perfect land of Suryavanshis which is at war over their sacred river 'Saraswati' with the baleful and savage Chandravanshis, who have a secret alliance with a cursed and disfigured group called Nagas, masters of martial arts. Shiva, a young Tibetan tribal arrives in Meluha soon to discover that he is the legendary 'Neelkanth' who is envisaged to be their savior. Hauled suddenly to his destiny, by duty as well as by love and expectations, Shiva resolves to lead the Suryavanshi retaliation.
The story is neither very fluent nor gripping and is more indicative of a Hindi movie script with very filmy characters, with an over simplistic plot and cheesy dialogues .It trips forward without any amazement or twists that you cannot pick well before. Shiva smokes for serenity, dances for fun and is filled with young lust. He falls in love with Sati immediately, trails behind her and does all frivolous things to impress her. This pulp-hero-cum-rock-star image of Shiva feels extremely jarring and cliché. Excessive use of words expletives (yes, 'idiot' included) in his dialogues to make Shiva look human sounded inappropriate. Rather it is Shiva’s insecurities and inner conflicts that actually make the readers feel that he is human.
The other characters are flat and not well developed. Some scream their lungs out clamoring to Shiva to take up their cause (repeatedly, mind you!) which gets to you after a while. 
While certain descriptions, sub plots and brief introductions to history were mesmerizing and I took a particular liking in the philosophy of evil, that what is considered evil or wrong by some may not be perceived in the similar way by others. However, the concept of Somaras and inhuman idea of newly born babies being taken away from their mothers soon after their birth sounded harebrained and such have never been in existence in Indian society and culture, ever!
The book however, can be most certainly credited with attracting the attention of the clueless Indian youth to their culture and mythology. Perhaps the catchiest part of the book? Its cover page!